Gabriel’s Sanctuary

In the beginning, knowing he was the best-looking luminous immortal ever made, Gabriel would stride among his adoring fans.   His tall stature, golden hair, and glorious façade would draw others to him and his warm voice, would hold them enthralled, like watching embers dance in a fire. The crowd would hang on his every word, everyone listened to him. Despite this influence Gabriel’s only desire was to be adored because the gleam of so many eyes on him made Gabriel glorious.

Even strong and silent Mykal loved him and the beautiful Morning Star Lucie could not outshine his voice. Instead she would whisper praise and adoration in his ear. Gabriel accepted the adulation as his due. So that when the Morning Star suggested they go on a quest to the Master’s Estate, Gabriel agreed without thinking and when she told him he was to be the First Messenger, he believed her implicitly.

Returning from that quest, Gabriel was held in awe because his voice was now the voice of the Unmoved Master. He spoke and the luminous population got to work.

His new status raised him high, to the top of a pedestal, to the heights of a mountain.  But being so elevated, removed Gabriel from his adoring fans, who were now busy doing everything he had instructed them to do. But the more he saw the more he feared his influence, and he wondered if he’d done the right thing.

Walking among the crowds, he still felt their gleaming awe but whereas before he had only desired it, now he needed their glow to fill the shadow at his centre.

He tried to speak to Lucie, but she was busy co-ordinating the Stars and he realised that away from others Lucie never listened to what he said. Mykal was a much better listener, but he wasn’t much of a talker and had stoically accepted his new role as Defender and was busy, organising troops.

Alone atop his mountain, Molly finds him.

“Where have you been?” he asks.

“Helping establish the Never-Ending Office, as you instructed oh glorious one,” she says, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

“Have you made up with Lucie?” asks Gabriel.


“She said you were mean to her. That’s why you didn’t come to help with the Red Tape.”

“And of course, you believed her,” says Molly, her light flaring with her voice. “You didn’t think to ask me?”

“She’s the Morning Star,” says Gabriel with a shrug. “And your best friend.”

“And you believed her about that,” says Molly, but this time her light narrows onto Gabriel. “I thought, just maybe, you’d see through her, that you were different. But you’re just like everyone else.” Her words illuminate the shadow at Gabriel’s centre, the ones he’s tried to ignore. Gabriel rises above Molly, saying “I’m not like everyone else,” and spreading his wings, declares. “I am Glorious,” and he flies off to the sanctuary of his adoring fans, away from Molly’s penetrating gaze.

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