Her Musical – Arabella

Mara has almost everything she ever wanted. She is a woman with a plan but when ragedy strikes Mara is forced from her planned course and has to deal with the mental and physical trauma of loss through miscarriage. Trying to protect her family from her pain and anger, Mara spends a lot of time walking about. Is she trying to escape her pain? Or is searching for what she lost?

One day she meets ten year-old Arabella whose mother recently left. Together they embark on fabulous adventures of their imaginations to castles and fair grounds, they meet pirates and swim with crocodiles. On these adventures, Mara starts to see the possibilities in the world again and rediscovers friends old and new, and despite still feeling broken and lost, finds she can help her friends, and in doing finds what she lost – herself.

But will she return to her original plan, to who she was, or will she follow the light in the darkness, even if it is guiding her on a new and unplanned adventure? And if she does what will happen to Arabella?

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